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Frank Skinner - Man In A Suit (2014)

Hi comedy fans. This is a review on Frank Skinner's latest DVD release "Man in a suit". This is Skinner's first DVD release since 2008 and I was very excited to learn that he had a new DVD on the way.

Frank Skinner "Man In A Suit" DVD Case.

The DVD lasts for 1 hour and 10 Mins which is just a nice amount of time. Not to long to seem like it's dragging along and a bit boring. But not too short that you feel like it is just getting going but then it finishes.

I have also noticed that as Frank has got older that the language that he chooses to use has become less sexually explicit and there is a little bit less swearing than previous tours. However it is not free of swearing and sexually explicit language hence why this DVD is a certificate 15.

Main topics in this DVD Include How he has got older and how his dress sense has got smarter and now that he wears suits for nearly every occasion. This is a recent change because in previous DVD's he wore either West Bromwich Albion football attire (which is the team that frank supports) or tracksuit bottoms and large sweatshirt.

He also has a Haiku poetry section in this DVD where he describes how easy it is to create and then in turn performs a few Haiku's he has created himself. When I first watched the show I was a little bamboozled by as this was quite unusual. However as I have watched the show a few more times it has started to grow on me.

This DVD has an extra where is shows you an documentary that Frank did on ITV called "Frank Skinner on Frank Skinner which ITV made in 2001. where he goes back to Oldbury where he used to live throughout his childhood and young adulthood before he went into comedy. He then proceeds to take us through his life until the present day (at the time of the programme being released) I really enjoyed this as an extra as you get to find out more about frank as a person and he is really honest in it. also as the documentary is in full it is like your getting two shows for the price of one which is always a bonus.

I found this too be a more mature and a less erratic show from Skinner and I found it to be performed with enjoyment and ease by him and I enjoyed it thoroughly. and I also enjoyed the extra very much too.

I am going to give this a 4.5 laughing gear points out of 5.

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