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RHLSTP (2012 - Present)

Hi comedy fans today I am going to be talking about an Online podcast from comedian Richard Herring called RHLSTP which stands for Richard Herring's Leicester Square theatre podcast. He has also had a version which he has done for the Edinburgh fringe. called Richard Herring's Edinburgh Fringe podcast. The concept is that each show Richard interviews an interesting person about their life and career some of the guests have included Sofie Hagen, Vic Reeves, Victoria Coren Mitchell, Dara O'Briain, Sara Pascoe etc.

It has been currently running for 10 series and is at 117 episodes (at the time of writing this). Herring also asks the guests what he likes to call "Emergency questions" which are silly questions to pick the show back up after it has slowed down a little bit. He also everytime he comes onto the stage says to the audience "you are much better than last weeks audience referring that he puts the shows out weekly but everytime that he records the show it is two guests per recording.

Before he brings the guest out he usually has a bit of banter with people in the audience this part in the earlier series could take about 10-15 minutes into the video. In my opinion this part once it was edging the 15 minute mark I would find that a little bit irritating but to be honest that is my only bug bare with it.

I really enjoy this series and long may it continue in my opinion as the roster of guests that he has on the podcast are so interesting and it isn't only comedians which he has on the podcast and some of the interviews can get pretty deep. But however if your not into a long show then you might want to pass on this because it is between 1 hour to 1 hour and 30 minutes per episode but I would urge you to give it a go before you completely dismiss it.

I will give this series 4.5 laughing gears out of 5 - Click here to check out Richard Herring's YouTube channel.

Also click the links here to watch three of my favourite episodes of RHLSTP (This one is with Chris Addison)

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