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My Favourite Comedians/Comediennes

Hi Comedy Fans. Today I don't have a specific review for you today. However I am going to go through my current favourite comedians/comediennes . This does change fairly regularly. However this is due to me watching them a little bit more at the time not that I don't like them any less and this is in no particular order.

1. Frank Skinner - First off on my list is Frank Skinner and he will be most familiar to you as either the current host of the BBC panel show Room 101 or as a stand up comedian and one of the artists who sang on the football song "Three Lions" also with David Baddiel and the band The Lightning Seeds. Frank is one of my favourites because I think he has got better as he has aged. Not that he wasn't bad in the first place. I do have all of Frank's Live DVD's and I watch Room 101 and I listen to the Frank Skinner Podcast on Absolute radio weekly. However my favourite show that I have just started re watching again on YouTube is Fantasy Football which he presented with David Baddiel and Baddiel and Skinner unplanned. I definitely wouldn't be opposed to either show to return to TV screens in the near future. I would recommend Room 101 and the Frank Skinner Podcast to anybody but I would recommend his DVD's, Fantasy Football League and Baddiel and Skinner Unplanned for people of 15 years of age and older as it can be quite crude and there is swearing involved.

2. Ross Noble - The second person on my list is Ross Noble and this is a fairly recent addition as when I was younger I didn't understand his style of comedy therefore then I wrongly wrote him off but now as I discovered a couple of his live shows on YouTube and I really like him now and essentially all that he really does is go off on tangents but somehow by the end of the show he has covered all the things which he mentioned before he went off on another tangent which is amazing because I don't know how he does it. That shows that he has some sort of plan during his shows eventhough whilst he is performing it definitely looks like he doesn't. I would only recommend Ross Noble to people who are willing to be to watch a long show because the shortest full show which I found on YouTube were 1 hr and 30mins long and the longest show which I found recently is 2 hrs and 44 mins long. However on YouTube there is a show called The Headspace Cowboy but that has been uploaded in parts. I would recommend Ross noble to people 15 years and over because there is some swearing and be prepared for a long show.

3. Chris Ramsey - My third person on this list is Chris Ramsey and I have included him because I feel he is very relevant and very relaxed when he performs and that he is also very honest in what he says. Also he currently has a new show out on Comedy central and it is fantastic it is what you would get up to if you were going round to your friends house or in his case "basement" (not as creepy as it sounds trust me) to hang out just uninterrupted fun with friends. in his debut stand up show which is called all growed up he discussed how he had just become a father and how he was coping with that and doing more grown up things like buying a house and how he was now a victim kids playing knock down ginger (it is called knock a door run in the area where i am from) and how he remembers playing it vividly he also mentions other childhood stories. I would recommend Chris Ramsey to people aged 15 years and older because there is swearing and slightly crude banter (not a lot) However I think that He would appeal to a slightly younger audience maybe people aged 18-30 as he is quite current and does keep up with current trends i,e. the bottle flip challenge. But anyone can enjoy him.

Those are currently my top 3 comedians that I am enjoying

Hope you have enjoyed this

Bye Comedy fans

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