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I went to the Edinburgh Fringe!

Hi Comedy fans. I have a little bit of a different post for you today as from 22nd-26th August myself and my family went up to bonny Scotland to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Whilst there I had tickets for three shows they were:

  • Pete Firman - Trix

  • The Axis Of Awesome - Won't ever stop giving up

  • Jarlath Regan - Arseways (Note: No offence intended that is what the show is called)

Each show that I went to see was 1 hour long.

Pete Firman - Trix

The first show that I attended was performed by comedian/magician Pete Firman. When we arrived before the show began there was a slideshow playing on screen showing each one of his previous Edinburgh show posters as this was his tenth year performing at the festival. the magic which he performed was really good my favourite trick involved audience participation and 6 plastic cups that's all I am going to say because I don't want to give it away but it was AMAZING! the jokes which he performed to accompany the magic mostly were short,snappy and sometimes a little bit corny. Usually that would seem like a bad thing but within this show it fit perfectly. I definitely would go and see this show again and would do so if it was a bit longer as well like 1hr and 30mins instead of 1 hr and I would have preferred a couple more solo tricks if I was going to be picky but apart from that it was fantastic and I would definitely would recommend.

I am going to give this 4.5 laughing gears out of 5.

Axis Of Awesome - Won't ever stop giving up

for those who are unaware of who the axis of awesome are they are a three-piece comedy band from Australia the members are Benny Davis, Lee Naimo and Jordan Raskopaulos and this show was the show that I was most looking forward to seeing and they didn't disappoint.

The show was sold out when we went and had been sold out most nights before we arrived at the festival. It definitely deserved every ticket sold because it was laugh a minute and they performed all of the audiences favourites like the language of love, birdplane and a slightly updated version of 4 chords. and there were a couple of solo parts and I found out that Benny has some moves.

This is also the tenth year that they have performed at the Edinburgh Fringe and this is the live show since Jordan came out as a transgender woman .

This is an absolutely brilliant show I would plead with everyone to go see them live if they can. If unable to then please check out there Youtube channel you will not regret it.

Afterwards in a bar in the venue they held a meet & greet and it was safe to say I wasn't ready and I had a bit of a fangirl moment and managed to get a photo with them. (please refer to the photo at the top of the post.)

I then had to take a photo of them as it was my boyfriends turn and I was highly surprised to have got a alright picture considering how much I was shaking I was very proud of myself.

I would definitely give this show 5 laughing gears out of 5 and would recommend to everybody.

Jarlath Regan - Arseways

The final show that we went to see was by Irish comedian Jarlath Regan this was a traditional stand up show as I wanted a bit of variety. This show was in a more intimate room than the other two shows because of this there was a fair amount of chat and lots of Irish charm.

The show is mainly centred around his family and relationships and one of the subjects he talks about is teaching older people about technology i.e. teaching them how to use an Computer,Tablet,TV,Mobile phone etc and telling us that we need to have patience with them. but also the dangers that can come with teaching the older generation about technology.

He also mentions how he has become lazy with exercise and how he has resorted to one of them army training camps to force himself to exercise more and the reasons for doing so are spectacular but I am not giving those away because spoilers (sorry!)

This is a good show and I would recommend but if you are expecting short and snappy gags then this is not for you.

I would give this show a 3.5 laughing gears out of 5

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